Thomas Chust writes:
2009/11/9 Tobias C. Rittweiler:
[...] Thank you Thomas! Will there also be a notebook, or pc available? My own one is rather big, and I would prefer to not have to carry it with me. [...]
Hello Tobias,
the room has a beamer and a computer, but if I'm not mistaken, the computer is setup as an XDMCP client only allowing logins to the institute's servers and the USB ports and removable media drives are not accessible.
Of course I could login with my account, but that's only useful if any relevant presentation files can be accessed via the internet or if I can copy them to my university home directory beforehand. I could also bring my own laptop to use for the presentation.
Internet access is fine; I'll put it online. -T. -- Diese Nachricht wurde auf Viren und andere gefaerliche Inhalte untersucht und ist - aktuelle Virenscanner vorausgesetzt - sauber. Freebits E-Mail Virus Scanner