jimka wrote @ Wed, 09 Feb 2005 20:01:35 +0100:
If there are non-lispers invited then perhaps it might be nice to have an ongoing series of lectures (half hour plus questions) about cool lisp features or maybe Lisp for Dummies. This could also be useful for lisp beginners as well.
I am probably the least advanced, so i try to give feedback.
Some examples.
* How to use CLOS.
Probably not done right. I would expect Lists as Objects wrapped in macros. If it is something else only then i would be interested.
* Methods before, after, around
dunno what that means.
* Lexical vs dynamic scoping
dunno if that's interesting
* Lexical closures, and higher order functions * Looping, iteration, and recursion * Implementing common data structues, queues, sets, tree, etc.
Not really interested, that is common in the ML languages.
* Installing LISP on your computer, which implementation, which architecture, which version?
Not really. Seems like ppl use cmucl or sbcl or clisp or commercial. If it was about scheme this would be more interesting.
* Macros, why do we need them, what can we do with them?
Have read a book by graham, i think he says all there is too say. Summary, macros are cool, cause the language itself is data. Yes other languages would profit from that feature, too.
* Comparing common patterns in Perl, Python, Java, C, and LISP
There is a book by Mark Jason Dominus coming out just now, who tries to do LISP stuff in perl. It's also avalable here: http://www.cpan.org/authors/id/MJD/book.html Andy