Hi, I agree with Fischbrunnen. Heinrich -- Funktionale Programmierung Dr. Heinrich Hördegen Gutenbergstr. 26 80638 München FON: +49 (89) 12 59 79 49 FAX: +49 (89) 12 59 79 50 hoerdegen@funktional.info www.funktional.info -- On 05.04.2011 12:14, Christian Neukirchen wrote:
Marek Kubica<marek@xivilization.net> writes:
On Fri, 1 Apr 2011 22:48:06 +0200 Jorge Tavares<jorge.tavares@ieee.org> wrote:
According to the dates specified on doodle there is only one day common to everyone: Thursday, April 7th. So, I propose to make the next meeting on that day. We could meet at MarienPlatz at 19h and then go a place to meet (with some weissbier ;-)). Ok, I'd be fine with that. Who is bringing the large Lisp-flag to find the Lispers on the Marienplatz? ;) I'd propose to meet at the "Fischbrunnen" right at Marienplatz. http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fischbrunnen_%28M%C3%BCnchen%29 It's probably the easiest to find.
regards, Marek