Hello everybody, did anyone see this: 07.03.2011 - AK-JUG 19:00 Uhr, Lokation: mgm Clojure Stefan Tilkov http://wwwspies.informatik.tu-muenchen.de/gi/ It surly would not be a good idea to have a talk about the same subject at the same time... If possible, I would like to attend both this talk and another day in this week the UG meeting. Everybody from the Lisp UG can also go to Tilkov's talk. It's free as far as I know. Heinrich -- Funktionale Programmierung Dr. Heinrich Hördegen Gutenbergstr. 26 80638 München FON: +49 (89) 12 59 79 49 FAX: +49 (89) 12 59 79 50 hoerdegen@funktional.info www.funktional.info -- On 17.02.2011 16:29, Thomas Chust wrote:
[...] for me, to chose a date, I'd say 2011-03-08. Ok? [...] Ok, before everyone just posts a date to the list, let's use doodle:
Ciao, Thomas