Hi! On 07.09.2010 04:16, Christian Brumm wrote:
Peter, your suggestions sound very reasonable. Now we only need people who are able to talk about all this ... :)
I found http://www.gigamonkeys.com/lispbox/ a out-of-the-box ready pimped emacs+slime combination for use with the "Practical Common Lisp" book. It's a bit dated, but it should be possible to update the packages' version numbers. Someone is already trying it: http://common-lisp.net/project/lispbox/
I can help with advertising, I live near LMU, and I guess TUM is not too far. Also some people at work might be interested.
As Christoph mentioned, first half of November (semester break ends October 18th) seems reasonable and should give us enough time to prepare.
This Date seems fine.
Does someone know where to get a room (e.g. works or studies at University)? I guess choosing a date and a room are highly correlated. ;)
It certainly is easier if s/o internal to the TUM could be made interested in such a meeting... TUM: (U2 Theresienstraße) https://campus.tum.de/tumonline/wborggruppen.gruppen?pOrgNr=38011 FHM (tramway 20/21): http://www.tb.fh-muenchen.de/index.php?id=4 LMU (U6 Universität): http://www.uni-muenchen.de/einrichtungen/zuv/uebersicht/dez_iv/ref_iv1/aufga... further possibilities: http://www.einewelthaus.de/index.php?id=168 rent see http://www.einewelthaus.de/fileadmin/content/01_pdfs/raummieten_01_01_09.pdf one is still missing, can't find the snippet. :( We should also not forget that we certainly need a locality for having some drinks & snacks afterwards. :) So a room in the outback would not be optimal. Cheers, Peter