Hello. 2010/3/10 Raffael Mancini <raffael.mancini@hcl-club.lu>:
On Wed, 2010-03-10 at 11:04 +0100, Nikolaus Demmel wrote:
Am 09.03.2010 um 23:00 schrieb Marek Kubica:
On Tue, 9 Mar 2010 00:10:46 +0100 Juan Jose Garcia-Ripoll <juanjose.garciaripoll@googlemail.com> wrote:
That was quite some time ago. While now I am living in Madrid, I will be spending one month in Munich, visiting a Max-Planck institute in the outskirts of the city. Tobias Rittweiler suggested that it would be a nice chance for a meeting and perhaps a talk proselitizing about ECL, something I never did while still there.
Anyway, If someone is interested in organizing one of those meetings, I would not mind attending it, even without a talk.
BTW, I will be arriving on the 19th of April and leaving on the 16th or May or so.
I'd be interested, so if someone has a talk he'd like to present... or we just do a "stammtisch" and meet somewhere to drink a beer and chat :)
I'm in!
Me too!
Greetings! Raffael Mancini
I could give a short talk about Minlog (http://www.minlog-system.de/), thats a System I am currently writing my Project Thesis about, its written in Scheme - provided we get a room (Tom?) and its at a date I can be there (but this shouldnt be a problem at the dates you mentioned), and of course, provided you are interested (its rather theoretical). Regards, Christoph Senjak