Hi Lisp Users,
Would anyone like to meet in Munich on January 4th 2005 for the first Munich Lisp Users Group?
Tuesday the 4th? Yes, that's fine.
According to this article it seems that 4 January 2005 is the 10th birthday of Common Lisp -- so the date is fitting.
The ANSI blessings ... I think Common Lisp was already around in the early 80s.
At the first meeting we have a chance to meet each other and perhaps get an idea of the expectations that people have to make such a group successful.
I'm looking forward for that. I think we'll have fun and an interesting time.
I'll be looking for a place to have the meeting. The place will depend on how many people think they can attend.
That's the point I' most worried about. Do you see some possibilities? The place should be available also in the future, not too noisy, and easy to reach by public transportation. I would favor a schedule of meeting once a month. Is that ok? Cheers, - Alex Alexander Burger Software Lab. / 7fach GmbH Bahnhofstr. 24a, D-86462 Langweid abu@software-lab.de, http://www.software-lab.de, +49 821 9907090