Re: [munich-lisp] Biergarten Monday

Hi all, I'd like to come along (for the first time actually), but I arrive at HBf just after 21:00 on Monday. If most people can make it on Monday, I'll just see how many people are left when I'm there... Cheers, Chris
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: Alexander Burger <> Gesendet: 28.09.06 15:07:09 An: "" <> CC: Betreff: Re: [munich-lisp] Biergarten Monday
Hi Hendrik,
I think I can make it next Monday (Oct. 2nd). Is this the Augustiner-Keller (Arnulfstr.)?
Cheers, - Alex
Alexander Burger Software Lab. / 7fach GmbH Bahnhofstr. 24a, D-86462 Langweid,, +49 821 9907090 _______________________________________________ munich-lisp mailing list
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I think I can make too, but need to know where we are going to meet... Peter

Sorry, I won't be able to come today... Peter

Sorry about not turning up, my train was more than 30 min. late, so I wouldn't have arrived until 22:00, I figured that was too late. Chris
participants (2)
Christopher Laux
Peter Herth