[munich-lisp] New Room?

Hoi, first welcome to the all the new people, that got attracted by the Scheme talk, and thanks to Marek for giving it. As some of you might already know, I'm now with the Gene Center of the University (doing Scientific Computing/Cluster stuff), which is in Großhadern. As I can probably get a much nicer room there, I wanted to hear some opinions on where the next meetings should be. Bringing this up yesterday, people also offered some other locations. CIS, Tvivolistr. (where we used to meet) Gene Center, Feodor-Lynen-Str. 25 Physical Departement Theresienstr. CCC München, Club Room in Giesing Please add your votes to the wiki by incrementing the number inside the brackets before the entry under "Discussion of new Location", like changing e.g. [1] into [2]. -- Andy

Can someone give a summary of what happened at the lisp meeting for those of us who missed it? -jim

jimka wrote @ Sun, 26 Apr 2009 12:41:48 +0200:
Can someone give a summary of what happened at the lisp meeting for those of us who missed it?
Quoting the wiki, http://community.schemewiki.org/?munich-lisp: "24. April 2009, Marek Kubica: Why Scheme rocks (and why I don't use it as often as I'd like)" Maybe Marek, you can put the slides online? -- Andy

On 26 Apr 2009 16:00:22 +0200 Andreas Hauser <andy@splashground.de> wrote:
Maybe Marek, you can put the slides online?
Sure, they are here: <http://xivilization.net/flyserver/tex/schemerocks/schemerocks.pdf>. I put a link on the wiki as well. About the new location: I hope it is ok to vote for more than one location :) regards, Marek

On 25.04.2009, at 15:02, Andreas Hauser wrote:
Please add your votes to the wiki by incrementing the number inside the brackets before the entry under "Discussion of new Location", like changing e.g. [1] into [2].
Can we put the URL to the Wiki in the footer of list emails? Wolfgang
participants (4)
Andreas Hauser
Jim Newton
Marek Kubica
Wolfgang Mederle