[munich-lisp] Next meeting

Experience seems to tell that trying to schedule a meeting is only successfull if the meeting is coupled with a presentation, and the presenter coordinates when the meeting is supposed to take place. On that experience, does anyone want to present something in the end of September? Notice that the scope of the presentation is entirely left to you. So it's not bad if it's just 10 minutes about some personal project you're currently working on. Just so it'll do its purpose on getting us to meet somewhere. :-) Personally, I'd be interested in an introduction to Clojure. So anyone? -T. -- Diese Nachricht wurde auf Viren und andere gefaerliche Inhalte untersucht und ist - aktuelle Virenscanner vorausgesetzt - sauber. Freebits E-Mail Virus Scanner

Experience seems to tell that trying to schedule a meeting is only successfull if the meeting is coupled with a presentation, and the presenter coordinates when the meeting is supposed to take place.
On that experience, does anyone want to present something in the end of September?
Since I would really like to have a meeting in september, I /could/ provide a very short introduction to lispbuilder-sdl. But actually I have a lot of work to do at the moment, thus, it would be /very/ short and I would only do it if really no other presenter can be found.
Personally, I'd be interested in an introduction to Clojure.
I would be interested in the introduction to LLVM which was - iirc - announced in the munich-lisp entry on the ALU-Wiki (where is it gone, btw?), or maybe into the Parrot VM, even though both are not directly lisp-related. CSS

Christoph Senjak <christoph.senjak@googlemail.com> writes:
Personally, I'd be interested in an introduction to Clojure.
I would be interested in the introduction to LLVM which was - iirc - announced in the munich-lisp entry on the ALU-Wiki (where is it gone, btw?), or maybe into the Parrot VM, even though both are not directly lisp-related.
The wiki is hosted on schemewiki.org nowadays: http://community.schemewiki.org/?munich-lisp The LLVM talk was suggested by me, but I gave the talk over a half a year ago, and it was not really up-to-date back then, and can now be easily horrendously out-of-date. -T. -- Diese Nachricht wurde auf Viren und andere gefaerliche Inhalte untersucht und ist - aktuelle Virenscanner vorausgesetzt - sauber. Freebits E-Mail Virus Scanner

Great idea Tobias, I'd actually quite like to invite Charlotte Herzeel from Vrije Universiteit Brussel. I've talked to her and she's pretty keen to make the presentation. The question is "When?" http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&ct=res&cd=1&url=http%3A%2F%2Fprog.vub.ac.be%2FPublications%2F2009%2Fvub-prog-tr-09-05.pdf&ei=P6kjSrTmDcOF_QbKzunCBg&usg=AFQjCNHlnNpU9Ibgy-ntRI-I4canCYQGoA&sig2=fm2M9DxG-0DF9FJnBIInYw -jim On Tuesday 15 September 2009 18:32:06 Tobias C. Rittweiler wrote:
Experience seems to tell that trying to schedule a meeting is only successfull if the meeting is coupled with a presentation, and the presenter coordinates when the meeting is supposed to take place.
On that experience, does anyone want to present something in the end of September?
Notice that the scope of the presentation is entirely left to you. So it's not bad if it's just 10 minutes about some personal project you're currently working on. Just so it'll do its purpose on getting us to meet somewhere. :-)
Personally, I'd be interested in an introduction to Clojure.
So anyone?

On Wed, 16 Sep 2009 22:02:49 +0200 Jim Newton <jimka@rdrop.com> wrote:
Great idea Tobias, I'd actually quite like to invite Charlotte Herzeel from Vrije Universiteit Brussel. I've talked to her and she's pretty keen to make the presentation. The question is "When?"
Whoa, nice! This sounds great! Could she take Pascal Constanza with her, I'd be interested what kind of person he is in real life? Just kidding ;)
On Tuesday 15 September 2009 18:32:06 Tobias C. Rittweiler wrote:
Personally, I'd be interested in an introduction to Clojure.
Sorry, I won't have time (probably this year), but in case you are interested, I could lend you my Clojure book (I was too busy with the Schemer series, Gödel Escher Bach and Programming Scala). Btw, sorry for not replying to you, I promise to do better in the future. Glad you made it to Hamburg, I saw you on a photograph :) regards, Marek

Marek Kubica <marek@xivilization.net> writes:
On Tuesday 15 September 2009 18:32:06 Tobias C. Rittweiler wrote:
Personally, I'd be interested in an introduction to Clojure.
Sorry, I won't have time (probably this year), but in case you are interested, I could lend you my Clojure book (I was too busy with the Schemer series, Gödel Escher Bach and Programming Scala).
I don't have the time for yet another book. I was mostly interested in some kind of status report about clojure.
Btw, sorry for not replying to you, I promise to do better in the future. Glad you made it to Hamburg, I saw you on a photograph :)
Yeah, the event was fun! You should have come! -T. -- Diese Nachricht wurde auf Viren und andere gefaerliche Inhalte untersucht und ist - aktuelle Virenscanner vorausgesetzt - sauber. Freebits E-Mail Virus Scanner

Jim Newton <jimka@rdrop.com> writes:
Great idea Tobias, I'd actually quite like to invite Charlotte Herzeel from Vrije Universiteit Brussel. I've talked to her and she's pretty keen to make the presentation. The question is "When?"
She should decide. Supposedly, hotel rooms are cheaper during the week, so this may be a factor for her to consider. -T. -- Diese Nachricht wurde auf Viren und andere gefaerliche Inhalte untersucht und ist - aktuelle Virenscanner vorausgesetzt - sauber. Freebits E-Mail Virus Scanner

Hi, Tobias C. Rittweiler wrote:
Experience seems to tell that trying to schedule a meeting is only successfull if the meeting is coupled with a presentation, and the presenter coordinates when the meeting is supposed to take place.
Since half a year just passed I'd be quite fine with the part where people sit together and have some booze. Best regards, Sven

Sven Klose <pixel@copei.de> writes:
Tobias C. Rittweiler wrote:
Experience seems to tell that trying to schedule a meeting is only successfull if the meeting is coupled with a presentation, and the presenter coordinates when the meeting is supposed to take place.
Since half a year just passed I'd be quite fine with the part where people sit together and have some booze.
As no one else seems to want to show off anything, I will happily do it for it's fun to me---it's one of the few gratifications of doing Open Source stuff. Wednesday, 28 Oct 2009, I'd like to show you something I've been working on this week. It's a library to enable you writing functions operating on sequences (like FIND, SEARCH, etc.) in a reasonably concise and still efficient way. Now, let's talk about the location. Where did Marek do his presentation last time? -T. -- Diese Nachricht wurde auf Viren und andere gefaerliche Inhalte untersucht und ist - aktuelle Virenscanner vorausgesetzt - sauber. Freebits E-Mail Virus Scanner

Hi, On Sat, 17 Oct 2009 18:41:55 +0200 "Tobias C. Rittweiler" <tcr@freebits.de> wrote:
Wednesday, 28 Oct 2009, I'd like to show you something I've been working on this week. It's a library to enable you writing functions operating on sequences (like FIND, SEARCH, etc.) in a reasonably concise and still efficient way.
Ok, Wednesday sounds good.
Now, let's talk about the location. Where did Marek do his presentation last time?
At the LMU, in the room where we usually met. regards, Marek

Marek Kubica <marek@xivilization.net> writes:
On Sat, 17 Oct 2009 18:41:55 +0200 "Tobias C. Rittweiler" <tcr@freebits.de> wrote:
Wednesday, 28 Oct 2009, I'd like to show you something I've been working on this week. It's a library to enable you writing functions operating on sequences (like FIND, SEARCH, etc.) in a reasonably concise and still efficient way.
Ok, Wednesday sounds good.
Now, let's talk about the location. Where did Marek do his presentation last time?
At the LMU, in the room where we usually met.
Can this room (a beamer, too) be booked again, please? -T. -- Diese Nachricht wurde auf Viren und andere gefaerliche Inhalte untersucht und ist - aktuelle Virenscanner vorausgesetzt - sauber. Freebits E-Mail Virus Scanner

Thanks to all who showed up last Tuesday! As always, the meeting made a lot of fun! The presentation is available at http://common-lisp.net/~trittweiler/talks/sequence-iterators-2009.pdf Documentation of the library is up at http://common-lisp.net/project/sequence-iterators/ -T. -- Diese Nachricht wurde auf Viren und andere gefaerliche Inhalte untersucht und ist - aktuelle Virenscanner vorausgesetzt - sauber. Freebits E-Mail Virus Scanner
participants (5)
Christoph Senjak
Jim Newton
Marek Kubica
Sven Klose
Tobias C. Rittweiler