Almost managed to load the relevant biots and bobs to have a play. Note "almost". We're still at a stage where published tarballs ain't cutting it and not everything is ASDF-INSTALLable.
At the moment the latest tarball is ANS.1 v4.5, but it seems as if there's a check when you load the SNMP package, checking for ASN.1 v4.x (x >= 14).
Now, I'll have abnother poke, for sure, maybe tomorrow, since I picked whatever was on the last line of the SourceForge download matrix and if the versions are listed in alphabetical order, 4.14 will be before 4.5 so...
But, yes, it's slowly moving forward again.
Hi, Ingvar
Yes, current latest stable version of my ASN.1 package is 4.14. SF's files order is not ... what I want.
I'm using old Lisp machine package naming system, that is a major vesion (4) and a minor version (14). Every minor release after the major release is patchable to the base version.
P.S. I'm slowing pushing another major release which contains many new features. But for now, stable releases on cl-net-snmp site [1] (almost one year old) are the best choice for people whom want to integrate my SNMP work.
Chun Tian (binghe)
在 2009-10-19,14:23, Ingvar 写道:
Almost managed to load the relevant biots and bobs to have a play. Note "almost". We're still at a stage where published tarballs ain't cutting it and not everything is ASDF-INSTALLable.
At the moment the latest tarball is ANS.1 v4.5, but it seems as if there's a check when you load the SNMP package, checking for ASN.1 v4.x (x >= 14).
Now, I'll have abnother poke, for sure, maybe tomorrow, since I picked whatever was on the last line of the SourceForge download matrix and if the versions are listed in alphabetical order, 4.14 will be before 4.5 so...
But, yes, it's slowly moving forward again.
noctool-devel mailing list
Chun Tian writes:
Yes, current latest stable version of my ASN.1 package is 4.14. SF's files order is not ... what I want.
Noticed this. Now have 4.14 snagged. Just need to get the remaining packages updated to a version that teh SNMP component is happy with.
I'm using old Lisp machine package naming system, that is a major vesion (4) and a minor version (14). Every minor release after the major release is patchable to the base version.
P.S. I'm slowing pushing another major release which contains many new features. But for now, stable releases on cl-net-snmp site [1] (almost one year old) are the best choice for people whom want to integrate my SNMP work.
"Stable is good". :) All we need is (as far as I can tell) "read MIB descriptions" and "Interrogate SNMP sources" (so client only; there are a couple of would-be-nice that are probably better implemented in client code anyway, like "query the interface with IP address w.x.y.z").
//Ingvar "interrogat
在 2009-10-19,16:14, Ingvar 写道:
Chun Tian writes:
Yes, current latest stable version of my ASN.1 package is 4.14. SF's files order is not ... what I want.
Noticed this. Now have 4.14 snagged. Just need to get the remaining packages updated to a version that teh SNMP component is happy with.
I'm using old Lisp machine package naming system, that is a major vesion (4) and a minor version (14). Every minor release after the major release is patchable to the base version.
P.S. I'm slowing pushing another major release which contains many new features. But for now, stable releases on cl-net-snmp site [1] (almost one year old) are the best choice for people whom want to integrate my SNMP work.
"Stable is good". :) All we need is (as far as I can tell) "read MIB descriptions" and "Interrogate SNMP sources" (so client only; there are a couple of would-be-nice that are probably better implemented in client code anyway, like "query the interface with IP address w.x.y.z").
I'm developing the SQL-like high level query interface which could "compile" queries like "query the interface with IP address w.x.y.z" from a form like "SELECT [interface] FROM [agent] WHERE [address = w.x.y.z]" into several low-level SNMP operations and return OO-based results back. In latest ASN.1 trunk, the ASN.1 compiler can compile MIB table definitions into CLOS DEFCLASS form and then SNMP package can use it to create CLOS instances as query result. This work is in progress, the major difficulty is how to represent above SQL-like queries, if I use a string to hold it, I need to write a simple SQL- like syntax parser. Or if I use CLSQL like symbolic syntax, I need some more investigation of how to passing the WHERE clause.
Any way, I just want you know: what you want is also my need, so I'm working on this area. I don't think it's really that hard as there're much more complicated open source Lisp packages exist today.
Chun Tian (binghe)
//Ingvar "interrogat
noctool-devel mailing list
FWIW, I've /never/ been a big fan of SQL :P
Have you seen AllegroStore and/or AllegroGraph from Franz? They use a prolog-based interface, which, once you get your brain around it works out /very/ well IMO. :)
Just a thought, Jim
James E. Prewett Systems Team Leader LoGS: Designated Security Officer OpenPGP key: pub 1024D/31816D93 HPC Systems Engineer III UNM HPC 505.277.8210
On Mon, 19 Oct 2009, Chun Tian wrote:
在 2009-10-19,16:14, Ingvar 写道:
Chun Tian writes:
Yes, current latest stable version of my ASN.1 package is 4.14. SF's files order is not ... what I want.
Noticed this. Now have 4.14 snagged. Just need to get the remaining packages updated to a version that teh SNMP component is happy with.
I'm using old Lisp machine package naming system, that is a major vesion (4) and a minor version (14). Every minor release after the major release is patchable to the base version.
P.S. I'm slowing pushing another major release which contains many new features. But for now, stable releases on cl-net-snmp site [1] (almost one year old) are the best choice for people whom want to integrate my SNMP work.
"Stable is good". :) All we need is (as far as I can tell) "read MIB descriptions" and "Interrogate SNMP sources" (so client only; there are a couple of would-be-nice that are probably better implemented in client code anyway, like "query the interface with IP address w.x.y.z").
I'm developing the SQL-like high level query interface which could "compile" queries like "query the interface with IP address w.x.y.z" from a form like "SELECT [interface] FROM [agent] WHERE [address = w.x.y.z]" into several low-level SNMP operations and return OO-based results back. In latest ASN.1 trunk, the ASN.1 compiler can compile MIB table definitions into CLOS DEFCLASS form and then SNMP package can use it to create CLOS instances as query result. This work is in progress, the major difficulty is how to represent above SQL-like queries, if I use a string to hold it, I need to write a simple SQL- like syntax parser. Or if I use CLSQL like symbolic syntax, I need some more investigation of how to passing the WHERE clause.
Any way, I just want you know: what you want is also my need, so I'm working on this area. I don't think it's really that hard as there're much more complicated open source Lisp packages exist today.
Chun Tian (binghe)
//Ingvar "interrogat
noctool-devel mailing list
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