The meeting is over! Thank you, everyone who participated - the video is available at https://youtu.be/4T9ApaL6Un8 As usual - if you'd like to talk about your Lispy stuff, I'm here and available to host your videos at almost any time you'd like it to be played. Please bother me with how you use all sorts of Lisp in your work! Cheers and talk to you soon, ~phoe On 01.06.2020 11:00, Michał "phoe" Herda wrote:
This is a tiny reminder that the meeting starts in two hours from now. The talk will be uploaded on YouTube for people who cannot make it during the main time, the Twitch chat will be available, and I will - hopefully - configure Twitch properly this time to remember the chat content.
On 24.05.2020 22:12, Michał "phoe" Herda wrote:
Good news, everyone! It is time to announce the second Online Lisp Meeting.
This time, the speaker will be Michael Raskin of [`agnostic-lizard`](https://gitlab.common-lisp.net/mraskin/agnostic-lizard) fame; he will talk about **Query-FS: Integrating with UNIX from Common Lisp via FS API**.
The talk is about Query-FS, a virtual filesystem representing various queries (for example, SQL queries to a database) as directories. There will be a demo of what basic usage looks like, and an explanation of how it works inside.
Warning: while Query-FS is implemented is Common Lisp, its goal is integrating with non-Lisp things across a POSIX-defined interface. It probably makes little sense in an environment integrated around a single program (such as Emacs). And some included DSLs even look vaguely similar to Bash. So, it is a tool in Common Lisp for non-Lispy use.
As before, the talk will be pre-recorded and played back on Twitch, with the ability to comment on the Twitch chat during playback. Afterwards, we will have an online drink and chat on Jitsi.
* Date: 1st June 2020 * Time: 13:00 CEST - https://time.is/en/CEST * Talk: https://www.twitch.tv/TwitchPlaysCommonLisp * Hangout: https://chat.heisig.xyz/TwitchPlaysCommonLisp * Slides: https://gitlab.common-lisp.net/cl-fuse/query-fs/-/wikis/Main-page
Massive thanks to Marco Heisig for providing the Jitsi instance where we can hang out after the talk.
A mailing list has been created for the purpose of organizing and promoting the online talks. Further announcements will be posted there. See https://mailman.common-lisp.net/listinfo/online-lisp-meets
Everyone, please feel free and welcome to suggest your own ideas and record something that you'd like to talk about and share - along with times and dates when I should play them.
BR and see you - Michał "phoe" Herda