Forgot about calendar invitations! Here they are.

On 11.09.2020 13:25, Michał "phoe" Herda wrote:

Good morning, everyone!

The ninth Online Lisp Meeting will bring us Robert Strandh with his third installment in the Creating a Common Lisp Implementation series.

In this series of presentations, we examine different strategies for
creating a Common Lisp implementation, as well as the pros and cons of
each strategy.

We assume basic knowledge about how a typical modern operating system
(such as Unix) works, and how traditional batch languages (such as C)
are compiled and executed on such a system.  We furthermore assume
medium-level knowledge about Common Lisp.

In part 3, we investigate one possible solution to the conundrum of
our first strategy outlined in part 2, namely the circular
compile-time dependencies between many standard macros and standard
functions, forcing us to write more code in a language other than
Common Lisp, and also forcing us to write "unnatural" Common Lisp
code.  The solution to this problem is the foundation of our second
strategy for creating a Common Lisp implementation, and it relies on
using an existing host Common Lisp implementation for cross

Since some time has passed since part 1 and 2 were streamed, we
strongly recommend that interested participants make sure that the
material covered in those two parts is fresh in memory, if necessary
by watching those presentations again.

A short Jitsi talk with everyone will happen just after the meeting - everyone is invited!


* Date: 16th September 2020
* Time: 13:00 CEST -
* Talk:
* Hangout: @ 14:30

Massive thanks to Marco Heisig for providing the Jitsi instance where we can hang out after the talk.

A mailing list has been created for the purpose of organizing and promoting the online talks. Further announcements will be posted there. See

Lisp videos always accepted! Please let me know if you'd like to talk about anything Lisp-related.

BR and see you,
Michał "phoe" Herda