Good news, everyone! It is time to announce the second Online Lisp Meeting. This time, the speaker will be Michael Raskin of [`agnostic-lizard`](https://gitlab.common-lisp.net/mraskin/agnostic-lizard) fame; he will talk about **Query-FS: Integrating with UNIX from Common Lisp via FS API**.
The talk is about Query-FS, a virtual filesystem representing various queries (for example, SQL queries to a database) as directories. There will be a demo of what basic usage looks like, and an explanation of how it works inside.
Warning: while Query-FS is implemented is Common Lisp, its goal is integrating with non-Lisp things across a POSIX-defined interface. It probably makes little sense in an environment integrated around a single program (such as Emacs). And some included DSLs even look vaguely similar to Bash. So, it is a tool in Common Lisp for non-Lispy use.
As before, the talk will be pre-recorded and played back on Twitch, with the ability to comment on the Twitch chat during playback. Afterwards, we will have an online drink and chat on Jitsi. Date/time/location: * Date: 1st June 2020 * Time: 13:00 CEST - https://time.is/en/CEST * Talk: https://www.twitch.tv/TwitchPlaysCommonLisp * Hangout: https://chat.heisig.xyz/TwitchPlaysCommonLisp * Slides: https://gitlab.common-lisp.net/cl-fuse/query-fs/-/wikis/Main-page Massive thanks to Marco Heisig for providing the Jitsi instance where we can hang out after the talk. A mailing list has been created for the purpose of organizing and promoting the online talks. Further announcements will be posted there. See https://mailman.common-lisp.net/listinfo/online-lisp-meets Everyone, please feel free and welcome to suggest your own ideas and record something that you'd like to talk about and share - along with times and dates when I should play them. BR and see you - Michał "phoe" Herda