On 17 August 2011 21:00, MON KEY monkey@sandpframing.com wrote:
Again, I would prefer that (osicat:list-directory ".") not return a value that is CL:EQUAL (osicat:list-directory "./").
I honestly didn't understand /what/ you were finding objectionable before. So we're making progress here...
However, I disagree with this: treating "." and "./" identically is consistent with the way other directory name designators are dealt with, and has more to do with the CL pathname logic (and braindamage) than with POSIX.
Two questions:
1. Assuming current directory contains a single file "foo.txt", what would you like (osicat:list-directory ".") and (osicat:list-directory "./") to return?
2. What's the use-case?
Re. Osicat and POSIX:
Yep, the README is out of date. *However* Osicat is not /just/ a POSIX API. It has two layers:
* The Osicat API in package OSICAT.
* The low-level APIs: currently OSICAT-POSIX and OSICAT-MACH. In the future there will probably be OSICAT-WIN32 as well.
The Osicat API is not a POSIX API. It tries to find a place to stand among the concepts shared by modern OSes and be a nice Lispy extension to things in the standard.
-- Nikodemus
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