Update of /project/pal/cvsroot/pal/examples
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv13905/examples
Modified Files:
hares.lisp hello.lisp polygons.lisp swarm.lisp teddy.lisp
Log Message:
Rest of the api changes applied.
--- /project/pal/cvsroot/pal/examples/hares.lisp 2007/06/28 20:14:05 1.1
+++ /project/pal/cvsroot/pal/examples/hares.lisp 2007/07/13 21:30:58 1.2
@@ -32,8 +32,10 @@
(set-blend-color (r-of s) (g-of s) (b-of s) 255)
(draw-image (image-of s)
(pos-of s)
- (angle-of s)
- (scale-of s)))
+ :halign :middle
+ :valign :middle
+ :angle (angle-of s)
+ :scale (scale-of s)))
(defmethod act ((s sprite))
(setf (angle-of s) (mod (+ (angle-of s) 1f0) 360))
@@ -52,7 +54,7 @@
(defun example ()
- (with-pal (:width 800 :height 600 :fullscreenp nil :fps 6000)
+ (with-pal (:width 800 :height 600 :fullscreenp nil :fps 6000 :paths (merge-pathnames "examples/" pal::*pal-directory*))
(setf *sprites* nil)
(set-cursor nil)
@@ -70,11 +72,11 @@
:angle (random 360f0)))
(event-loop ()
- (draw-image-from (tag 'bg)
- (v 0 0)
- (v 0 0)
- (get-screen-width)
- (get-screen-height))
+ (draw-image* (tag 'bg)
+ (v 0 0)
+ (v 0 0)
+ (get-screen-width)
+ (get-screen-height))
(with-blend (:mode *blend-mode*)
(dolist (i *sprites*)
(draw i)
--- /project/pal/cvsroot/pal/examples/hello.lisp 2007/07/03 18:42:33 1.4
+++ /project/pal/cvsroot/pal/examples/hello.lisp 2007/07/13 21:30:58 1.5
@@ -3,17 +3,22 @@
(defun hello-1 ()
- (pal:with-pal (:paths "/path/to/examples/")
+ (pal:with-pal (:title "Hello!" :paths (merge-pathnames "examples/" pal::*pal-directory*))
(let ((font (pal:load-font "georgia")))
- (pal:draw-text "Hello from PAL"
- (pal:v-round
- (pal:v (/ (- (pal:get-screen-width)
- (pal:get-text-size "Hello from PAL" font))
- 2)
- (/ (- (pal:get-screen-height)
- (pal:get-font-height font))
- 2)))
- font))
+ (loop for y from 0 to 300 by 2 do
+ (pal:draw-line (pal:v 0 (* y 2)) (pal:v 800 (* y 2))
+ 50 50 255 (truncate y 2)))
+ (let ((midpoint (pal:v-round
+ (pal:v (/ (- (pal:get-screen-width)
+ (pal:get-text-size "Hello from PAL" font))
+ 2)
+ (/ (- (pal:get-screen-height)
+ (pal:get-font-height font))
+ 2)))))
+ (pal:set-blend-color 0 0 0 255)
+ (pal:draw-text "Hello from PAL" (pal:v+ midpoint (pal:v 5 5)) font)
+ (pal:reset-blend-mode)
+ (pal:draw-text "Hello from PAL" midpoint font)))
;; (hello-1)
--- /project/pal/cvsroot/pal/examples/polygons.lisp 2007/07/13 13:21:04 1.1
+++ /project/pal/cvsroot/pal/examples/polygons.lisp 2007/07/13 21:30:58 1.2
@@ -3,22 +3,34 @@
(in-package :poly-tests)
-(with-pal ()
+(with-pal (:paths (merge-pathnames "examples/" pal::*pal-directory*))
(let ((grid (load-image "bg2.png"))
+ (plane (load-image "lego-plane.png" t))
(slad (load-image "save_lisp.gif"))
(teddy (load-image "yellow-teddy.png")))
(event-loop ()
- ;; DRAW-RECTANGLE just draws a filled or wireframe rectangle on screen
(draw-rectangle (v 0 0)
800 600
- 0 0 0 32 :filledp t)
+ 0 0 0 32) ;; Draw a black, transparent rectangle over the scene.
+ ;; (clear-screen 0 0 0) ;; Use this instead if the afterimages give you a headache.
+ ;; DRAW-IMAGE draw the whole image at given position. Keyword arguments can be given to define the
+ ;; scale, angle and horizontal and vertical alignment ("hotspot")
+ (draw-image plane
+ (v 700 500)
+ :halign :middle ;; Possible options are :left, :right and :middle. :left is the default.
+ :valign :bottom ;; -''- :top, :bottom, :middle. :top is the default.
+ :angle (v-angle (v-direction (v 700 500) (get-mouse-pos))) ;; angle in degrees
+ :scale (* (v-distance (v 700 500) (get-mouse-pos)) .01f0))
+ (draw-point (v 700 500) 255 0 0 255 :size 10f0) ;; Draw a red point at the hotspot of previous image.
;; DRAW-POLYGON draw a polygon which vertexes are given as a list of VECs.
- ;; FILL is either nil, true or image that is used as a pattern. If fill is an image the rgba values are not used.
+ ;; FILL is either nil, t or image that is used as a pattern. If fill is an image the rgba values have no effect.
;; When ABSOLUTEP is T image patterns position is decided by screen coordinates.
+ ;; Max value of SIZE depends on the OpenGL implementation, you probably shouldn't use values greater than 10f0
(with-transformation (:pos (v 100 100))
(draw-polygon (list (v -100 0)
@@ -35,34 +47,39 @@
(v -50 100)
255 0 0 255
- :fill nil :size 5f0
+ :fill nil :size 4f0
:absolutep nil))
- ;; Note: next one doesn't work like you might expect since the image size is rounded up
- ;; to the nearest power of two and the extra is filled with blank.
- (with-blend (:color '(255 255 255 20))
- (draw-polygon (list (v+ (get-mouse-pos) (v -100 -100))
- (v+ (get-mouse-pos) (v 100 -100))
- (v+ (get-mouse-pos) (v 100 100))
- (v+ (get-mouse-pos) (v -100 100)))
- 0 0 0 0
- :absolutep t
- :fill slad))
- ;; DRAW-IMAGE-FROM draws a part of image, defined by a starting point, width and height.
- ;; If width or height are larger than the source image the image is tiled
+ ;; DRAW-RECTANGLEs arguments are similar to DRAW-POLYGON
+ ;; Notice how the size of the actual SLAD image used is expanded up to the nearest power of two and the extra space is filled with blank,
+ ;; usually this happens transparently to the user (eg. image-width returns the original width of image) but in some cases
+ ;; it can cause some artifacts. In this case if the original image had width and height of power of two it would be seamlessly
+ ;; tiled across the screen.
+ ;; For example, image of size 65x30 will be expanded to the size 128x32, so it is a
+ ;; good idea to try and fit the image sizes inside the nearest power of two to save memory.
+ (with-blend (:color '(255 255 255 128))
+ (draw-rectangle (get-mouse-pos)
+ 100 100
+ 0 0 0 0
+ :absolutep t
+ :fill slad))
- (draw-image-from teddy (v 0 (get-mouse-y))
- (v (get-mouse-x) 0)
- (truncate (image-width teddy) 2)
- (get-screen-height))
- (draw-image-from teddy (v (truncate (image-width teddy) 2) (get-mouse-y) )
- (v (- (get-screen-width) (get-mouse-x)) 0)
- (truncate (image-width teddy) 2)
- (get-screen-height))
- ;; (draw-quad ...) to be done
+ ;; DRAW-IMAGE* draws a part of image, defined by a starting point, width and height.
+ ;; If width or height are larger than the source image the image is tiled
+ ;; Like with DRAW-POLYGON non-power-of-two image sizes can give unexpected results.
- )))
\ No newline at end of file
+ (let ((x (abs (- 400 (get-mouse-x)))))
+ (draw-image* teddy
+ (v 0 (get-mouse-y))
+ (v x 0)
+ (truncate (image-width teddy) 2)
+ (get-screen-height))
+ (draw-image* teddy
+ (v (truncate (image-width teddy) 2) (get-mouse-y) )
+ (v (- (get-screen-width) x) 0)
+ (truncate (image-width teddy) 2)
+ (get-screen-height))))))
\ No newline at end of file
--- /project/pal/cvsroot/pal/examples/swarm.lisp 2007/07/03 18:42:33 1.2
+++ /project/pal/cvsroot/pal/examples/swarm.lisp 2007/07/13 21:30:58 1.3
@@ -9,13 +9,13 @@
(setf vectors (append vectors (loop repeat 50 collecting (cons (pal:get-mouse-pos)
(pal:v-random 5f0))))))))
(pal:draw-rectangle (pal:v 0 0) 1024 768 0 0 0 128)
- (pal:with-blend (:r 255 :g 128 :b 128 :a 255)
+ (pal:with-blend (:color '(255 128 128 255))
(pal:draw-text "Use left mousekey to add particles." (pal:v 0 0)))
(let ((midpoint (pal:v/ (reduce 'pal:v+ vectors :initial-value (pal:v 0 0) :key 'car)
(max 1f0
(coerce (length vectors) 'single-float)))))
- (pal:draw-point midpoint 255 0 0 255 10f0)
+ (pal:draw-point midpoint 255 0 0 255 :size 10f0)
(setf vectors (mapcar (lambda (v)
(cons (pal:v+ (car v) (cdr v))
(pal:v* (pal:v+ (cdr v)
@@ -31,6 +31,6 @@
(pal:draw-arrow (car v)
(pal:v+ (car v) (cdr v))
10 7 0 255
- 10f0)))))))
+ :size 10f0)))))))
;; (swarm)
\ No newline at end of file
--- /project/pal/cvsroot/pal/examples/teddy.lisp 2007/07/01 22:49:25 1.2
+++ /project/pal/cvsroot/pal/examples/teddy.lisp 2007/07/13 21:30:58 1.3
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
(defclass sprite ()
((pos :accessor pos-of :initarg :pos :initform (v 0 0))
(vel :accessor vel-of :initarg :vel :initform (v 0 0))
+ (alt :accessor alt-of :initarg :alt :initform 10)
(image :accessor image-of :initarg :image)
(angle :accessor angle-of :initarg :angle :initform 0f0)))
@@ -36,7 +37,9 @@
(defmethod draw ((s sprite))
(draw-image (image-of s)
(pos-of s)
- (angle-of s)))
+ :valign :middle
+ :halign :middle
+ :angle (angle-of s)))
@@ -64,15 +67,19 @@
(defun example ()
- (with-pal (:width 800 :height 600 :fullscreenp nil :fps 60)
+ (with-pal (:width 800 :height 600 :fullscreenp nil :fps 60 :paths (merge-pathnames "examples/" pal::*pal-directory*))
;; inits PAL, the args used are the default values.
- ;; NOTE: fix the PATHS to point to the location of the resource files
- ;; PATHS is a pathname or list of pathnames that defines paths that the LOAD-* functions use for finding resources.
+ ;; PATHS is a pathname or list of pathnames that PAL uses to find the resource files loaded with LOAD-* functions.
+ ;; By default PATHS contains the PAL source directory and value of *default-pathname-defaults*
;; only call PAL functions (with the expection of DEFINE-TAGS forms) inside WITH-PAL or between OPEN-PAL and CLOSE-PAL
(setf *sprites* nil)
+ ;; Hide the mouse cursor and use cursor.png instead. 18,18 is the offset ("hotspot") for the cursor image
+ ;; Other possible options to cursor are: t - show the default cursor, nil - hide all cursors
(set-cursor (tag 'cursor) (v 18 18))
- (make-instance 'plane)
+ (make-instance 'plane :alt 20)
(dotimes (i 20)
(make-instance 'mutant-teddy
:pos (v (random (get-screen-width))
@@ -82,35 +89,47 @@
(event-loop ()
;; simple event loop, no mouse-move, key-down etc. handlers defined, we'll handle input explicitly with TEST-KEYS.
- ;; the default key-down handler quits the event-loop when ESC is pressed.
- ;; to define e.g. a key-handler use a form like (event-loop (:key-down-handler (lambda (key) ...)) ...)
+ ;; The default key-down handler quits the event-loop when ESC is pressed, if you define your own key-down-handler
+ ;; don't forget to make sure there is a way to quit pal (especially when in fullscreen).
+ ;; to define e.g. a key-handler use a form like (event-loop (:key-down-fn (lambda (key) ...)) ...)
;; you can quit the event loop with (return-from event-loop)
;; first, draw a scrolling tiled background
- (draw-image-from (tag 'tile)
- (v 0 0)
- (v 0 (- *y-scroll* 64))
- (get-screen-width)
- (+ (get-screen-height) 64))
+ (draw-image* (tag 'tile)
+ (v 0 0)
+ (v 0 (- *y-scroll* 64))
+ (get-screen-width)
+ (+ (get-screen-height) 64))
(setf *y-scroll* (mod (+ *y-scroll* 1) 64))
- ;; then the sprites
+ ;; then the sprites, first the shadows
+ ;; sorting the sprites and their shadows according to their altitude is left as an exercise to the reader
+ (with-blend (:color '(0 0 0 128))
+ (dolist (i *sprites*)
+ (with-transformation (:pos (v (alt-of i) (alt-of i)))
+ (draw i))))
(with-blend (:mode *blend-mode*)
(dolist (i *sprites*)
(draw i)
+ ;; Let's do this for CLisp or we might a get nasty floating-point-undereflow error in the vector operations.
#+CLISP (ext:without-floating-point-underflow
(act i))
#-CLISP (act i)))
+ ;; TEST-KEYS is used to check if some key is currently pressed, _all_ the matching forms are evaluated.
(:key-1 (setf *blend-mode* nil)
(message *blend-mode*))
(:key-2 (setf *blend-mode* :blend)
(message *blend-mode*))
- (:key-3 (setf *blend-mode* :additive)
- (message *blend-mode*)))
+ ;; We can also test for several keys at once:
+ ((:key-3 :key-space :key-mouse-1) (setf *blend-mode* :additive)
+ (message *blend-mode*)))
- (draw-fps)
+ (draw-fps) ;; Draw the frames/second counter to the top left corner.
(draw-text "Press key to select blend-mode:" (v 200 (* 0 (get-font-height))))
(draw-text "1=nil 2=:blend 3=:additive" (v 200 (* 1 (get-font-height)))))))