Below is a DEFUN-JS macro for defining PS functions at the Lisp top-level.
It creates a Lisp stub with the same signature whose body simply throws
an error telling you that you tried to call a PS function from Lisp. Why is
useful? Because now your PS functions are fully integrated with Slime.
You can jump around with M-., get arglist info in the minibuffer, and so on.
After a week of using this, I can't believe how much of a difference it
In PS, DEFUN-JS translates trivially to DEFUN. Of course you still need a
way to collect the JS emitted by all these forms, but PS is agnostic on how
that should be done.
A side note: we also converted nearly all our ps macros to DEFMACRO+PS
forms at the toplevel. This has the neat property that you can now
look at expansions using the highly convenient Slime macroexpand. I doubt
that this is a perfect solution (no doubt you can trip yourself up on
between the CL and PS macro environments), but it's sure handier than
p.s. The following has been stripped of a couple of functions specific to
our project. I tested it a bit, but if I missed anything, let me know.
(defmacro defun-js (name lambda-list &body body)
(declare (ignore body))
(labels ((sym% (argspec) (if (symbolp argspec) argspec (car argspec))))
(multiple-value-bind (required optionals restp rest keyp keys allowp
auxp aux morep more-context more-count beyond-requireds? key-object)
(ps::parse-lambda-list lambda-list)
(declare (ignore restp keyp allowp auxp aux morep more-context
more-count beyond-requireds? key-object))
;; get rid of init forms, which can't be evaluated in Lisp.
(setf optionals (mapcar #'sym% optionals) keys (mapcar #'sym% keys))
`(defun ,name (,@required ,@(when optionals `(&optional ,@optionals))
,@(when rest `(&rest ,rest)) ,@(when keys `(&key
(declare (ignore ,@required ,@optionals ,@(when rest (list rest))
(error "The ~s function is js-only and cannot be called from Lisp."
(defpsmacro defun-js (name lambda-list &body body)
`(defun ,name ,lambda-list ,@body))