I've rebased my PS LOOP extensions [1] onto the latest commit
(7be9b45) and recompiled Skysheet. The generated JS looks fine. There
was one glitch that I'll report separately along with a workaround.
Before pushing the LOOP extensions onto master, though, I want to
update any relevant PS tests. Some will fail because the LOOP output
has changed quite a bit. Unfortunately I'm also seeing failures when I
run the tests in 7be9b45, which is prior to any of these LOOP
changes. I've pasted the output below [2]. It doesn't look like these
failures are related to work in ps-loop.lisp, so I'll just ignore them
for the time being, but Vladimir can you please comment on whether you
know about them or whether there's something unexpected going on?


[1] These are the constructs FOR..OF and MAP..TO, plus a change to
FOR..ON, that I described in my email to this list on April 11.  They
are currently sitting in the "loop" branch. Rebasing them was
nontrivial because of Boris' additions to ps-loop.lisp, but it seems
to have all gone ok. Boris, if you're reading this, please look out for any
regressions once I push these changes and let us know if you notice anything.

[2] Running output tests:
 Did 424 checks.
    Pass: 424 (100%)
    Skip: 0 ( 0%)
    Fail: 0 ( 0%)
Running package system tests:
 Did 9 checks.
    Pass: 9 (100%)
    Skip: 0 ( 0%)
    Fail: 0 ( 0%)
Running CL-JavaScript eval tests:
 Did 66 checks.
    Pass: 64 (96%)
    Skip: 0 ( 0%)
    Fail: 2 ( 3%)
 Failure Details:
 mv-return1 []: 
      Unexpected Error: #<cl-js:js-condition #x30200155257D>
[js] TypeError: undefined has no properties...
 dynamic-extent-function-return-values []: 
      (funcall (if (typep #:g36204 'structure-object) #'equalp #'equal) #:g36204 (jsarray '(1 2 3))) was NIL..