That is a good and unfortunate point you make.

I'm going to wait until the other bugs I posted have been fixed, then will upgrade, revisit this issue and try to think of a workaround. I'd rather not use strings for the operators, but perhaps keywords would do.


On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 3:48 PM, Red Daly <> wrote:
On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 1:34 PM, Daniel Gackle <> wrote:
One thing I forgot to point out: notice that, in the latest PS, the minus operator '- is actually converted into an empty string in JS, which is obviously wrong. 

On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 2:27 PM, Daniel Gackle <> wrote:
The latest PS interprets QUOTE of a symbol to mean, "first convert this symbol to a Javascript identifier, then a string". This breaks our code, because our formula parser relies on symbols to represent operators. Here's a line of code that PS was generating for us nicely before:

(defparameter *op-symbols* '(| | + - * / ^ < > = <> <= >= & % ! { } [ ] |(| |)| |:| |,| |"| |'|))
var OPSYMBOLS = [' ', '+', '-', '*', '/', '^', '<', '>', '=', '<>', '<=', '>=', '&', '%', '!', '{', '}', '[', ']', '(', ')', ':', ',', '"', '\''];

In the new PS, it looks like this:

var OPSYMBOLS = [' ', 'plus', '', 'star', 'slash', '^', '<', '>', 'equals', '<>', '<equals', '>equals', '&', 'percent', 'bang', '{', '}', '[', ']', '(', ')', 'colon', ',', '"', '\''];

I think this is a mistake. The only reason for translating symbols like + to "plus" is if you want to use them in a JS identifier. But quoted symbols are not meant to turn into JS identifiers, only JS strings. 

Looking at the git log, this change was introduced into special-forms.lisp by commit dd4442b8973fe8b2c19b44f94f244934aa418ae8. This was submitted at the time as a bug fix. From our point of view, this "fix" introduces a bug, and quite a serious one, since it means we can't run our formula parser (and a few other things) in the browser.

The problem was that (slot-value object 'quoted-slot) had inconsistent semantics compared to other uses of quoted symbols.  This was fixed by making a quoted symbols behave as you describe: first convert this symbol to a Javascript identifier, then a string.

For an example of where string-translation can go wrong, see this code:

(let* ((our-slot 'foo-bar)
         (val1 (slot-value object our-slot))
         (val2 (slot-value object 'foo-bar))

The fix made this code execute as you would believe it should: so that val1 and val2 are equal.  If we were to translate symbols to their STRING-VALUE, val1 would = object["foo-bar"] and val2 would = object.fooBar.  That is, unless you change the semantics of slot-value.

I am not sure what the context of your *op-symbols* code is, but it seems like you should be able to avoid this problem by using strings.  I don't know what the alternative is for the foo-bar example above, if we adopt a symbol translator like you suggest.



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