Regarding 'Re: [parenscript-devel] jQuery chain commands?'; Vladimir Sedach adds:
Here's one way to do it: (defpsmacro chain (&rest method-calls) (labels ((do-chain (method-calls) (if (cdr method-calls) `((@ ,(do-chain (cdr method-calls)) ,(caar method-calls)) ,@(cdar method-calls)) (car method-calls)))) (do-chain (reverse method-calls))))
Then you can say:
(ps (chain ($ "foo") (bar x z) (baz 5)))
=> "$('foo').bar(x, z).baz(5);
I rewrote ~200 lines of JavaScript (it's a lot for me) into ParenScript and I absolutely love it, so much cleaner and maintainable. Thank you for this chain macro and the whole project, superb.
As an aside, be careful that none of the chained functions cause reflows, and cache the intermediate results when possible. The jQuery style of programming is pretty much stream processing, but done in a terribly slow way (mostly because current JS implementations are not very good, but also because of the way jQuery is implemented). It would be interesting to do something like Rich Waters' SERIES for Parenscript since (like SERIES itself) you can do some really mean optimizations with macros.
I'll keep that in mind, thanks. -- Udv, Richard