Hi folks, We have some code that fails during ps-macroexpansion time as a result of the following change in src/utils.lisp: Previous definition (works): (defun flatten (x &optional acc) (cond ((null x) acc) ((atom x) (cons x acc)) (t (flatten (car x) (flatten (cdr x) acc))))) Current definition (crashes): (defun flatten (x) (if (atom x) (list x) (mapcan #'flatten x))) The failing call in the backtrace is (FLATTEN (IE . 6)), with a type error: 6 is not of type LIST. This is expected, given that current definition of FLATTEN calls MAPCAN. FLATTEN is only being called when the PS macro that fails to expand, BROWSER-CASE, is wrapped in a LET form:
(ps (browser-case '(:ie . 6) 'foo :default 'bar)) "'bar';"
(ps (let ((baz (browser-case '(:ie . 6) 'foo :default 'bar))) baz))
; Evaluation aborted. (Failure) - Scott