I'd write this:
(html ((:td :onclick (ps (setf (@ this :background-color) 'blue))) "text"))
to emit this:
<td onclick="this.backgroundColor = 'blue';">text</td>
But that's in LML2, not CL-WHO. If I recall correctly, the reason we switched from LML2 to CL-WHO was greater regularity with macroexpansions, so YMMV.
On Sun, Jun 20, 2010 at 12:42 PM, Haris Bogdanović fbogdanovic@xnet.hrwrote:
Sorry, I wrote that wrong. I want to set background color of td cell like this:
<td onclick='this.bgcolor="blue"'> text </td>
with cl-who and ps like:
(:td :onclick (ps ("what goes here to get 'this.bgcolor="blue"' ? ")))
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