Hi Ben, paren6 looks great, thanks for providing this! I had a read through the documentation and it looks pretty good, although your LIST6 example <https://github.com/BnMcGn/paren6#spread-syntax-in-lists---list6> uses CREATE6 instead. I will definitely be downloading this and incorporating it into my Parenscript usage. Cheers, John :^P On Sat, 28 Sep 2019 at 15:20, Ben McGunigle <bnmcgn@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Parenscripters,
I have started a collection of ES6 macros for Parenscript. It's available at https://github.com/BnMcGn/paren6 A quick review or two would be nice before I post to quicklisp.
This is different from Peter Stirling's work at https://github.com/vsedach/Parenscript/pull/39 primarily because the paren6 library does not attempt to produce ES6 output. Paren6 is usable with current versions of Parenscript and outputs ES5 code. The goal is to provide Parenscript users with analogues of ES6 features.
When Parenscript supports ES6 natively, these macros might be useful for earlier *js-target-version* support. Feel free to incorporate anything useful - code or interface - into Parenscript.
-- John Pallister john@johnp.net john@synchromesh.com