I'm not sure how you feel about adding >> and << as special forms, but this seems to allow for a simpler implementation of ASH since it needs to do some higher-level transformations such as optimizing forms with a a constant COUNT argument along with avoiding multiple evaluation. Scott --- src/macros.lisp | 14 ++++++++++++++ src/package.lisp | 4 ++++ src/printer.lisp | 2 +- src/special-forms.lisp | 4 +++- 4 files changed, 22 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/macros.lisp b/src/macros.lisp index 2014330..2c0c295 100644 --- a/src/macros.lisp +++ b/src/macros.lisp @@ -59,6 +59,20 @@ (define-ps-symbol-macro pi (getprop *math '*pi*)) +(defpsmacro ash (integer count) + (let ((count (ps-macroexpand count))) + (cond ((and (numberp count) (> count 0)) `(<< ,integer ,count)) + ((numberp count) `(>> ,integer ,(- count))) + ((complex-js-expr? count) + (let ((count-var (ps-gensym))) + `(let ((,count-var ,count)) + (if (> ,count-var 0) + (<< ,integer ,count-var) + (>> ,integer (- ,count-var)))))) + (t `(if (> ,count 0) + (<< ,integer ,count) + (>> ,integer (- ,count))))))) + ;;; Types (defpsmacro stringp (x) diff --git a/src/package.lisp b/src/package.lisp index 7921a37..92922e7 100644 --- a/src/package.lisp +++ b/src/package.lisp @@ -99,6 +99,10 @@ #:logxor #:lognot + #:ash + #:>> + #:<< + #:* #:/ #:rem diff --git a/src/printer.lisp b/src/printer.lisp index 73df146..5f119b7 100644 --- a/src/printer.lisp +++ b/src/printer.lisp @@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ vice-versa.") (defprinter js:post-- (x) (ps-print x)"--") -(defprinter (js:+ js:- js:* js:/ js:% js:&& js:\|\| js:& js:\| js:-= js:+= js:*= js:/= js:%= js:^ js:&= js:^= js:\|= js:= js:== js:=== js:!== js:in js:!= js:> js:>= js:< js:<=) +(defprinter (js:+ js:- js:* js:/ js:% js:&& js:\|\| js:& js:\| js:-= js:+= js:*= js:/= js:%= js:^ js:&= js:^= js:\|= js:= js:== js:=== js:!== js:in js:!= js:> js:>= js:< js:<= js:<< js:>>) (&rest args) (loop for (arg . remaining) on args do (print-op-argument op arg) diff --git a/src/special-forms.lisp b/src/special-forms.lisp index 6633b2f..5ca7a52 100644 --- a/src/special-forms.lisp +++ b/src/special-forms.lisp @@ -25,7 +25,9 @@ logior js:\| logxor js:^ lognot js:~ - ;; todo: ash for shifts + + >> js:>> + << js:<< throw js:throw array js:array --