That article's kind of funny because some of the reasons
they give for *not* embedding css/html are the very reasons
we *are* embedding it. Reduced download times, for example,
and greater maintainability. Moreover, the cache issue is a 
non-starter when you tag your resources with a hash and make
them never expire. I could go on.

The point is that it really depends on the needs of your project
and the tools you're using. In good CL tradition I'm sure we can
all agree that PS hackers are smart enough to choose rightly.

On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 7:51 AM, Henrik Hjelte <> wrote:
On Sun, Jun 20, 2010 at 8:42 PM, Haris Bogdanović <> wrote:
> Sorry, I wrote that wrong.
> I want to set background color of td cell like this:
> <td onclick='this.bgcolor="blue"'> text </td>
> with cl-who and ps like:
> (:td :onclick (ps ("what goes here to get 'this.bgcolor="blue"' ? ")))

There are reasons why inline javascript is out of fashion:

I suggest setting the onclick handler from outside the html, retrieve
the td element using an id and getelementbyid, or if it is not unique
(an id can't be used) add a class and use some javascript library that
can select elements by classname to get the dom element.

/Henrik Hjelte

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