On 1/27/10, Vladimir Sedach <vsedach@gmail.com> wrote:
I've also found that annoying about macros. I'm going to see what can be done.
Thank you. Look forward to it. By the way, I think implicit return is a very useful feature. Yong.
2010/1/26 szergling <senatorzergling@gmail.com>:
Hi folks,
I was wondering if there's an idiom for skipping the generation of a form completely at the top-level. This is mildly related to the implicit return feature currently being trialled. Here's an example: suppose I'm trying to skip over this form:
(in-package :something-something)
by using
(defpsmacro in-package (x) nil)
An in-package form then compiles to "null;"
This spurious output may result in errors (I'm using ps to convert my Lisp code to Actionscript).
How about using (values) to indicate explicitly that something doesn't have any return values?