Hi, I am having problems loading parenscript with ECL. I use quicklisp to load parenscript. My system: Linux 2.6.32-38-generic #83-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jan 4 11:12:07 UTC 2012 x86_64 GNU/Linux Versions: - ECL 12.7.1 (git:e1fdb85bdaca39ad2d2ed06647c7f34cd0ff3585) - Quicklisp 2012-07-03 - named-readtables 2010-10-06 (named-readtables-20101006-darcs.tgz, according to quicklisp) - parenscript 2.4 When I try to load parenscript, I get the following: ----
(ql:quickload "parenscript") To load "parenscript": Load 1 ASDF system: named-readtables Install 3 Quicklisp releases: anaphora cl-ppcre parenscript ; Fetching #<url "http://beta.quicklisp.org/archive/cl-ppcre/2010-10-06/cl-ppcre-2.0.3.tgz"> ; 153.97KB ================================================== 157,665 bytes in 0.04 seconds (4276.94KB/sec) ; Fetching #<url "http://beta.quicklisp.org/archive/anaphora/2011-06-19/anaphora-0.9.4.tgz"> ; 5.02KB ================================================== 5,136 bytes in 0.00 seconds (0.00KB/sec) ; Fetching #<url "http://beta.quicklisp.org/archive/parenscript/2012-02-08/parenscript-2.4.tgz"> ; 131.45KB ================================================== 134,604 bytes in 0.03 seconds (4107.79KB/sec) ; Loading "parenscript" [package anaphora]................................ [package anaphora-basic].......................... [package anaphora-symbol]......................... [package cl-ppcre]............................. ;;; Error: ;;; in file package.lisp, position 263 ;;; at (in-readtable parenscript) ;;; * The macro form (editor-hints.named-readtables:ensure-readtable ':parenscript) was not expanded successfully. ;;; Error detected: ;;; (editor-hints.named-readtables:ensure-readtable ':parenscript) is not of type editor-hints.named-readtables:named-readtable-designator. Condition of type: COMPILE-ERROR Error while invoking #<compile-op (:VERBOSE NIL) 0000000004ab02a0> on #<cl-source-file "parenscript" "src" "package">
Available restarts: 1. (TRY-RECOMPILING) Try recompiling package 2. (RETRY) Retry compiling #<cl-source-file "parenscript" "src" "package">. 3. (ACCEPT) Continue, treating compiling #<cl-source-file "parenscript" "src" "package"> as having been successful. 4. (ABORT) Give up on "parenscript" 5. (RESTART-TOPLEVEL) Go back to Top-Level REPL. Broken at SI:BYTECODES. [Evaluation of: (QUICKLISP-CLIENT:QUICKLOAD "parenscript")] In: #<process TOP-LEVEL>. ---- Anyone who have had the same problem? It loads fine with SBCL on the same machine, and the same quicklisp setup. Any help or pointers would be much appreciated. -- Magnus Malm