Hi Red, It works on my version too (*) It is a clean solution that I like a lot. I did some tests and the slot-value operator is quite versatile. In fact it makes aref redundant because (slot-value foo 1 2 3) renders the same as (aref foo 1 2 3). It also allows constructs like : (slot-value foo 1 "two" three 'bar 1 2) => "foo[1]['two'][three].bar[1][2];" //not necessary meaningful but possible :) I believe the versatility of slot-value should make it to the reference. Many thanks. Best wishes, Wout Perquin (*) not sure what version I have, but the changelog youngest entry is from Nov-4, 2007 On Wed, 2009-11-25 at 00:10 -0800, Red Daly wrote:
On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 12:43 PM, Wout Perquin <wout.perquin@skynet.be> wrote:
On Tue, 2009-11-24 at 19:42 +0000, Wout Perquin wrote:
Hi, I would like to generate : "var value = element[i].childNode[0].nodeValue" in one sentence.
On my local version, slot-value accepts multiple slots:
(slot-value element i 'child-node 0 'node-value) =>"element[i].childNode[0].nodeValue;"
Nested @s and the like tend to become confusing, so I prefer this solution. I don't know if it is part of the current Parenscript or not.
Best regards, Red Daly