I'm using CCL. It's certainly possible that some custom code escaped my efforts to run the tests cleanly. I'll try again and report back. On Mon, May 24, 2010 at 7:52 PM, Vladimir Sedach <vsedach@gmail.com> wrote:
Which implementation are you running on? I know there are differences in output related to the gensym counter and macroexpansion time between SBCL and CLISP/Clozure (I write tests based on the output of the former).
Are you sure you're not using any custom code? In particular this piece:
['javascript:', 'transport()'].join('')
leads me to believe you might have at least a custom CONCATENATE loaded. But a lot of the errors listed look like real bugs. I just tried the test suite in CLISP and it gives a different list of errors, and many of them aren't just gensym differences but real bugs as well.
I guess I'll need to spend some time fixing these compile/load/macroexpand problems.
I'm happy to add tests for bug fixes etc. that I push, so I tried compiling and running the PS test suite. It requires the Arnesi and FiveAM
2010/5/24 Daniel Gackle <danielgackle@gmail.com>: libraries,
so I downloaded and asdf-loaded those, then called (RUN-TESTS). The output I got seems to include many failures. How many of these are actual failures in the official tests, and how many are glitches local to me? Since we have many custom PS macros, I was careful to run these in a Lisp that only loaded the PARENSCRIPT-TEST package. Daniel
Running reference tests:
Did 89 checks. Pass: 87 (97%) Skip: 0 ( 0%) Fail: 2 ( 2%) Failure Details: -------------------------------- THE-HTML-GENERATOR-3 []: (NORMALIZE-JS-CODE "document.write('<A HREF=\"#\" ONCLICK=\"' + 'javascript:' + 'transport()' + '\">link</A>');") evaluated to "document.write('<A HREF=\"#\" ONCLICK=\"' + 'javascript:' + 'transport()' + '\">link</A>');", which is not STRING= to "document.write('<A HREF=\"#\" ONCLICK=\"' + ['javascript:', 'transport()'].join('') + '\">link</A>');".. -------------------------------- -------------------------------- ASSIGNMENT-11 []: (NORMALIZE-JS-CODE "var _js2 = someDiv; var _js1 = 123 + 'px'; _js2.style.left = _js1;") evaluated to "var _js2 = someDiv; var _js1 = 123 + 'px'; _js2.style.left = _js1;", which is not STRING= to "left(someDiv) = 123 + 'px';".. -------------------------------- Running other tests:
;Compiler warnings : ; In an anonymous lambda form: Undeclared free variable X..f.......f........ Did 231 checks. Pass: 222 (96%) Skip: 0 ( 0%) Fail: 9 ( 3%) Failure Details: -------------------------------- VALUES2 []: (NORMALIZE-JS-CODE "var val1_1 = x; var valrest2 = [y]; if (undefined !== arguments['callee']['caller']['mv']) { arguments['callee']['caller']['mv'] = valrest2; }; val1_1;") evaluated to "var val1_1 = x; var valrest2 = [y]; if (undefined !== arguments['callee']['caller']['mv']) { arguments['callee']['caller']['mv'] = valrest2; }; val1_1;", which is not STRING= to "var val1_1 = x; var valrest2 = [y]; if (undefined !== arguments.callee.caller.mv) { arguments.callee.caller.mv = valrest2; }; val1_1;".. -------------------------------- -------------------------------- VALUES3 []: (NORMALIZE-JS-CODE "var val1_1 = x; var valrest2 = [y, z]; if (undefined !== arguments['callee']['caller']['mv']) { arguments['callee']['caller']['mv'] = valrest2; }; val1_1;") evaluated to "var val1_1 = x; var valrest2 = [y, z]; if (undefined !== arguments['callee']['caller']['mv']) { arguments['callee']['caller']['mv'] = valrest2; }; val1_1;", which is not STRING= to "var val1_1 = x; var valrest2 = [y, z]; if (undefined !== arguments.callee.caller.mv) { arguments.callee.caller.mv = valrest2; }; val1_1;".. -------------------------------- -------------------------------- VALUES-RETURN []: (NORMALIZE-JS-CODE "var val1_1 = x; var valrest2 = [y]; if (undefined !== arguments['callee']['caller']['mv']) { arguments['callee']['caller']['mv'] = valrest2; }; return val1_1;") evaluated to "var val1_1 = x; var valrest2 = [y]; if (undefined !== arguments['callee']['caller']['mv']) { arguments['callee']['caller']['mv'] = valrest2; }; return val1_1;", which is not STRING= to "var val1_1 = x; var valrest2 = [y]; if (undefined !== arguments.callee.caller.mv) { arguments.callee.caller.mv = valrest2; }; return val1_1;".. -------------------------------- -------------------------------- EVAL-WHEN-MACROLET-EXPANSION []: *LISP-OUTPUT* evaluated to ORIGINAL-VALUE, which is not EQL to :CL-USER.. -------------------------------- -------------------------------- EVAL-WHEN-MACRO-EXPANSION []: *LISP-OUTPUT* evaluated to ORIGINAL-VALUE, which is not EQL to :CL-USER.. -------------------------------- -------------------------------- MV-BIND1 []: (NORMALIZE-JS-CODE "returnsMv(); var prevmv2 = arguments['callee']['mv']; try { arguments['callee']['mv'] = true; var a = doesnt(); var mv1 = typeof arguments['callee']['mv'] === 'object' ? arguments['callee']['mv'] : new Array(1); var b = mv1[0]; alert(a); alert(b); } finally { if (undefined === prevmv2) { delete arguments['callee']['mv']; } else { arguments['callee']['mv'] = prevmv2; }; };") evaluated to "returnsMv(); var prevmv2 = arguments['callee']['mv'];
{ arguments['callee']['mv'] = true; var a = doesnt(); var mv1 = typeof arguments['callee']['mv'] === 'object' ? arguments['callee']['mv'] : new Array(1); var b = mv1[0]; alert(a); alert(b); } finally { if (undefined === prevmv2) { delete arguments['callee']['mv']; } else { arguments['callee']['mv'] = prevmv2; }; };", which is not STRING= to "returnsMv(); var prevmv2 = arguments.callee.mv; try { arguments.callee.mv = true; var a = doesnt(); var mv1 = typeof arguments.callee.mv === 'object' ? arguments.callee.mv : new Array(1); var b = mv1[0]; alert(a); alert(b); } finally { if (undefined === prevmv2) { delete arguments.callee.mv; } else { arguments.callee.mv = prevmv2; }; };".. -------------------------------- -------------------------------- EVAL-WHEN-LISP-SIDE []: *LISP-OUTPUT* evaluated to ORIGINAL-VALUE, which is not EQL to IT-WORKS.. -------------------------------- -------------------------------- EVAL-WHEN-LISP-SIDE []: JS-OUTPUT evaluated to "LISPOUTPUT = 'itWorks';", which is not STRING= to "".. -------------------------------- -------------------------------- FUNCALL-IF-EXPRESSION []: (NORMALIZE-JS-CODE "document.write(LINKORNOT === 1 ? '<A HREF=\"#\" ONCLICK=\"' + 'javascript:' + 'transport()' + '\">' + img + '</A>' : img);") evaluated to "document.write(LINKORNOT === 1 ? '<A HREF=\"#\" ONCLICK=\"'
.................................................................................................f............ff.....f...............f.......................................................................f.f.... try +
'javascript:' + 'transport()' + '\">' + img + '</A>' : img);", which is not STRING= to "document.write(LINKORNOT === 1 ? '<A HREF=\"#\" ONCLICK=\"' + ['javascript:', 'transport()'].join('') + '\">' + img + '</A>' : img);".. -------------------------------- Running Package System tests: f.f..f.. Did 8 checks. Pass: 5 (62%) Skip: 0 ( 0%) Fail: 3 (37%) Failure Details: -------------------------------- NAMESPACE-AND-SPECIAL-FORMS []: (PARENSCRIPT-TEST::NORMALIZE-JS-CODE "var prefix_foo = { prefix_bar : 1, prefix_notAKeyword : prefix_something }; return !prefix_foo && prefix_foo.prefix_bar + prefix_someOtherVar;") evaluated to "var prefix_foo = { prefix_bar : 1, prefix_notAKeyword : prefix_something }; return !prefix_foo && prefix_foo.prefix_bar + prefix_someOtherVar;", which is not COMMON-LISP:STRING= to "var foo = { bar : 1, notAKeyword : something }; return !foo && foo.bar + someOtherVar;".. -------------------------------- -------------------------------- OBFUSCATION1 []: (NORMALIZE-JS-CODE "function g1(a, b, g2) { return a + my_library_libraryFunction(b, g2); };") evaluated to "function g1(a, b, g2) { return a + my_library_libraryFunction(b, g2); };", which is not STRING= to "function g1(a, b, g1) { return a + my_library_libraryFunction(b, g1); };".. -------------------------------- -------------------------------- EXPORTED-INTERFACE []: (PARENSCRIPT-TEST::NORMALIZE-JS-CODE "function interfaceFunction(prefix_baz) { return prefix_baz + g2; };") evaluated to "function interfaceFunction(prefix_baz) { return prefix_baz + g2; };", which is not COMMON-LISP:STRING= to "function interfaceFunction(baz) { return baz + g1; };".. -------------------------------- NIL PS-TEST> _______________________________________________ parenscript-devel mailing list parenscript-devel@common-lisp.net http://common-lisp.net/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/parenscript-devel
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