Hi, I think I have encountered a bug while using the who-ps-html macro. (who-ps-html (:li (:img :src icon :size 40) (:p message) (:span :class "author" name) (:span :class "date" timestamp))) The first expansion of the who-ps-html yields, (STRINGIFY "<LI><IMG SRC=\"" ICON "\" SIZE=\"40\"><P>" MESSAGE "</P><SPAN CLASS=\"author\">" NAME "</SPAN><SPAN CLASS=\"date\">" TIMESTAMP "</SPAN></LI>") But the javascript generated is, ['<LI><IMG SRC="', icon, '" SIZE="40"><P>', message, '</P><SPAN CLASS="author">', name, '</SPAN><SPAN CLASS="date">', timestamp, '</SPAN></LI>']['join']('') I have been able to get the correct behaviour by applying the following patch, since join is a symbol that is imported via the ps-js-symbols package. commit 86d39309692987644798148e24fd67b70667eaa7 (HEAD, refs/heads/master) Author: Russell Sim <russell.sim@gmail.com> Date: Tue May 29 09:12:30 2012 +1000 Fixed :join bug in stringify expansion. Modified src/non-cl.lisp diff --git a/src/non-cl.lisp b/src/non-cl.lisp index 387bd29..f2ed0e7 100644 --- a/src/non-cl.lisp +++ b/src/non-cl.lisp @@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ (defpsmacro stringify (&rest things) (if (and (= (length things) 1) (stringp (car things))) (car things) - `((@ (list ,@things) :join) ""))) + `((@ (list ,@things) join) ""))) (defun stringify (&rest things) "Like concatenate but prints all of its arguments." (format nil "~{~A~}" things)) Cheers, Russell