Hi Wout, Unless I'm totally out-to-lunch regarding the associativity of the '.' operator, I think this is what you want: (ps (let ((var (@ (aref (@ (aref element i) :child-node) 0) :node-value))))) Good luck, - Scott On 2009-11-24, at 1:43 PM, Wout Perquin wrote:
On Tue, 2009-11-24 at 19:42 +0000, Wout Perquin wrote:
Hi, I would like to generate : "var value = element[i].childNode[0].nodeValue" in one sentence.
Currently I have a workaround : (ps:ps (let ((foo (aref element i)) (value (slot-value (aref foo.child-nodes 0)'node-value))))) which renders : "var foo = element[i]; var value = foo.childNodes[0].nodeValue;"
Is there another more direct way ? Thanks in advance. Wout Perquin
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