I've recently decided to port an existing web app I have lying around to tpd2, so I think the best course of action is to wait for a tpd2 patch from me. Vladimir On Tue, Oct 6, 2009 at 5:07 AM, John Fremlin <john@fremlin.org> wrote:
Hi Vladimir,
It seems that the new parenscript horribly breaks tpd2.
The awful part of the business is changing from using elements.push etc. methods.
You seem to recommend to rewrite them as ((slot-value elements 'push) new-thing).
This is completely not at all related to Common Lisp syntax, which was supposedly the aim of this change, so I guess I am barking up the wrong end of the stick.
Should I wait for the reader macros before making the update?
Thanks for working on parenscript, it's good to see that it's improving.
And it's good to see that people are complaining about the new version not working with tpd2 as it shows that there are some users out there :-)