Hello Attila,
i've tried to update ucw to the new parenscript repo, but it turned out to be more headache then what i want to address right now.
I'm not done breaking things yet. :)
i've seen that a new naming convention is used instead of some old api functions. is there a chance of leaving the old api and keeping it backward compatible? specifically js:js* and friends should bind *enable-package-system* to false somewhere, and things like that.
globally changing *enable-package-system* before loading ucw is a really bad idea, but ucw calls parenscript even at compile time, so rebinding *enable-package-system* by ucw when serving a request is also not working.
I think that's a really good idea that will work for everybody involved. I've pushed a patch that starts to implement some of that. We've changed all the code to use the new interface in the project I'm using ParenScript for, so I don't have a good handle on which part of the old interface to preserve and what isn't needed. Feel free to post what's not working or make any changes to deprecated-interface.lisp that you need.
i've pushed some unimportant changes in the process, though.
Much appreciated. Vladimir