We may have crossed a wire here. When you said, "You can do that with a global table instead of setting a property on the function object," I thought you had in mind a global table keyed by function *name*, which is why I asked about lambdas since they have no names. JS won't let you use a function object as a key so one would have to concoct some naming scheme.
For my first prototype for the new MV mechanism, that's what I thought and used gensyms. But then I tried foo[<function object>] and that works in both FF and CL-JS. But looking at ECMAScript, property identifiers do indeed have to be JavaScript String objects (http://ecma-international.org/ecma-262/5.1/#sec-8.10).
Moreover, if it worked for MV, the sentinel idea could be used to tag anything else we wanted into the call. Seems like that could be pretty powerful.
Where does this break?
It wouldn't work for calling JavaScript functions that used the arguments pseudo-array, either for arbitrary arity or for passing arguments on. There's lots of JS functions around that do things like foo.apply(null, slice(arguments, x)) or whatever.
p.s. There's also a way to communicate exactly how many return values are desired, short-circuiting any computation that might be needed to generate the full VALUES list. (I think this point is independent of the above idea but I'll adapt the same examples.) Suppose we have:
In general you have to evaluate all the expressions given to values for their side-effects, so this would only save a few assignments. Vladimir