On 2/13/10, Vladimir Sedach <vsedach@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Yong,
On what forms does ps-compile-stream fail? I'm using this as a test:
(with-input-from-string (s "(progn (defmacro macro-null-toplevel () nil) (macro-null-toplevel))") (ps-compile-stream s))
Hi Vladimir, You are quite right. I am mistaken. Sorry for the noise. I'm guessing that I had been misled by stale fasls. My best guess at the moment is that it is compilation-interface.fasl that depends on special-forms but comes before it in the .asd file. I cannot reproduce this since I've wiped my old directory. Could that have happened? Yong.
2010/2/3 szergling <senatorzergling@gmail.com>:
On 2/1/10, Vladimir Sedach <vsedach@gmail.com> wrote:
I just pushed a patch that should do the right thing; take a look.
That works, but the functionality is missing from ps-compile-stream (and therefore ps-compile-file), so I've added this too (see patch for inspiration, or if it's acceptable/modifiable, merge?).