Thanks. I noticed the same thing about CL, but wasn't clear on the
principle.  Now I think I understand. The salient question is: was the
variable declared inside the loop? If it was, there's an implicit
request to get a new binding each time the loop executes. If it
wasn't, all closures over the variable will share the same binding.

On Fri, Apr 6, 2012 at 5:52 PM, Vladimir Sedach <> wrote:
That's the correct behavior because you're closing over the same
binding of i in all iterations. This equivalent CL code:

(let ((foo (make-array 3))
              (i 0))
          (loop while (< i 3) do
            (setf (aref foo i) (lambda () i))
            (incf i))
          (funcall #'princ (funcall (aref foo 0)))
          (funcall #'princ (funcall (aref foo 1)))
          (funcall #'princ (funcall (aref foo 2))))

Also does 3 3 3


On Thu, Apr 5, 2012 at 7:20 PM, Daniel Gackle <> wrote:
> When a closure is created inside a loop, PS wraps the closed-over
> variables using a JS WITH statement to ensure that each closure will get
> the values that existed at the time it was created. Here's an example
> from Vladimir's email to the list from Jan 30, 2011:
>    (let ((foo (make-array 3)))
>      (dotimes (i 3)
>        (setf (aref foo i) (lambda () i)))
>      (funcall (@ console log) (funcall (aref foo 0)))
>      (funcall (@ console log) (funcall (aref foo 1)))
>      (funcall (@ console log) (funcall (aref foo 2))))
> This correctly prints 0,1,2 to the console. If PS didn't do this extra
> work and relied on JS scoping, the output would be 3,3,3 which is
> obviously (or at least arguably) incorrect.
> But this doesn't happen for variables declared prior to the loop form.
> Here is the above example written to use WHILE rather than DOTIMES:
>    (let ((foo (make-array 3))
>          (i 0))
>      (while (< i 3)
>        (setf (aref foo i) (lambda () i))
>        (incf i))
>      (funcall (@ console log) (funcall (aref foo 0)))
>      (funcall (@ console log) (funcall (aref foo 1)))
>      (funcall (@ console log) (funcall (aref foo 2))))
> It prints 3,3,3. Of course, probably no one would use WHILE to write
> this particular loop, but it's easy to see how one might run in to the
> problem. In particular, the PS LOOP macro generates WHILE forms for
> many standard kinds of loop. That is how I ran across this issue: I
> have a LOOP form that builds a table of closures for asynchronous
> callback in a Node.js program and by the time these closures are
> called back, they no longer have their expected data - for exactly the
> same reason as the above example prints 3,3,3.
> My first question is: is this a bug? That is, if it's incorrect for the
> first loop to print 3,3,3, is it also incorrect for the second loop to
> do so?
> Daniel
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