Hi, When you use C-c C-k in emacs/SLIME/sbcl produces the output: "(function () { var div1 = createElement(div); return null; })();" If you do C-C C-k again though, you get the (expected) output: "(function () { var div = document.createElement('DIV'); return null; })();" The problem is (I think) that DEFPSMACRO expands into a PROGN and therefore the SETFs have no effect until load time, by which point the PS form has already been converted into the string. If changed to an EVAL-WHEN: (defmacro defpsmacro (name args &body body) (defined-operator-override-check name (multiple-value-bind (macro-fn-form effective-lambda-list) (make-ps-macro-function args body) `(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (setf (gethash ',name *macro-toplevel*) ,macro-fn-form) (setf (gethash ',name *macro-toplevel-lambda-list*) ',effective-lambda-list) ',name)))) Then it compiles as expected the first time as well.