On 11 November 2010 00:38, Daniel Gackle <danielgackle@gmail.com> wrote:
< I installed sbcl and then parenscript with asdf. When I (require 'parenscript) and then (ps ....), it says PS undefined. > PS is defined in the Parenscript package. Does this work? (ps:ps ...) In general, A:B means "the symbol B, if any, exported from package A". More conveniently, you can evaluate the following: (in-package :ps) ... and then your original form (ps ...) should work.
Ah, got it. It appears sbcl's asdf-install can't install parenscript globally for some reason. After installing it locally, (ps:ps ...) works fine. Thanks for the quick cheat sheet :) On 11 November 2010 00:48, Vladimir Sedach <vsedach@gmail.com> wrote:
If you want to learn Common Lisp (which is a really good idea if you want to use Parenscript), this might help:
I haven't yet decided whether I'm using parenscript or clojure or even a lisp at all. My goal is generating readable and editable code, and so far a lisp looks like the best choice. It also has to run on Android easily. But if I do use a lisp, thanks for the reference!