Hello Vladimir! On Wed, 01 Aug 2007 19:11:35 +0200, Vladimir Sedach wrote:
1. Yes 2. Yes 3. For the 7-20-07 release no. For the next one, yes (Red Daly), but don't worry about it for now.
OK, read below about Red Daly.
Thanks for putting together this package. If you're planning on including the pdf documentation that's linked from the cl.net page, I've just put up updated versions of the tutorial and reference for the 7-20-07 release.
The main problem is that I previously provided the documentation in the manual.pdf form, together with instructions about how to generate the single-file documentation: --8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8--- README for the Debian cl-parenscript package -------------------------------------------- * Single file documentation The upstream ParenScript comes with a manual in the PDF format, composed by three different parts: an introduction, a tutorial and the language reference. At the same time, however, the documentation is provided for every single part as a lisp file in the source folder: /usr/share/common-lisp/source/parenscript/docs/ You can open this file with your favorite editor or you can generate PDF documents from them with the scripts provided in the Debian doc folder. Use the following command: $ sh /usr/share/doc/cl-parenscript/scripts/make-pdf.sh $FILE $FILE is one of introduction.lisp, reference.lisp or tutorial.lisp. The PDF documents will be available in your home folder. Note that in order to generate the PDF documentation, you need the suggested packages: texlive-latex-base, texlive-latex-recommended, texlive-fonts-recommended and python. -- Luca Capello <luca@pca.it>, Fri, 22 Jun 2007 13:57:29 +0100 --8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8--- Now, I saw that you removed manual.pdf [1] without providing the single files, thus I see two options: 1) you provide the single files as they're on the web 2) I generates the single files at the Debian package build time and ship them in the Debian package While I prefer the first option (because the documentation in the package will be in sync with the web), OTOH the second option seems to be slightly better, because the documentation in the package will always be in sync with the files generating the documentation. I don't really know how to proceed here, sorry :-) BTW, including any new patch about the documentation will mean that the Debian package won't be anymore the upstream release 7-20-2007, but the darcs snapshot of the last documentation patch (which is not at all a problem, just FYI). Thx, bye, Gismo / Luca Footnotes: [1] 20070801183143-1fe91-3f80b4a3b9f2cb3b2d405ca2224653140294613f.gz