Hello Red, There is a weird bug with the compiler changes you made where compiling a loading a file containing a call to compile-script works fine, but loading a fasl of that file fails (in particular, when loading the fasl things like (return something) are called by compile-to-expression, when they obviously compile to js-return, etc.). I don't understand what's broken or why, and in particular why the top-level stuff is involved in compile-script (as opposed to compile-script file). I am also really starting to hate the OO brain-damage that is the ParenScript intermediate representation. After this bug gets fixed (it is a complete PITA), I am going to start ripping that stuff out. Please see what you can do about fixing this issue. I'll be gone over the weekend, and since this is seriously starting to affect the project for which I'm using parenscript for, I'm going to start ripping out the compilation environment stuff as well if it's not fixed soon. Thanks, Vladimir