[parenscript-devel] piece of code

Hi. Why doesn't this piece of code work ? (defpackage test-x (:use :cl :hunchentoot :cl-who :parenscript)) (in-package test-x) (setf *js-string-delimiter* #\") (defun index () (with-html-output-to-string (*standard-output* nil) (:html (:head (:script :type "texr/javascript" (str (ps (defun al () (alert)))))) (:body (:h2 "clijlkjlkjclk" :onclick (ps (al ()))))))) (push (create-prefix-dispatcher "/index" 'index) *dispatch-table*) (start (make-instance 'easy-acceptor)) Thanks

Hi Haris,
(:script :type "texr/javascript"
This should be "text/javascript"
(:h2 "clijlkjlkjclk" :onclick (ps (al ())))))))
This should be ((:h2 :onclick (ps (al ()))) "clijlkjlkjclk") You can see the html is not right if you call the index function from the repl.
(start (make-instance 'easy-acceptor))
You're probably not running this as root so it should be (start (make-instance 'easy-acceptor :port 8080)) because the default port is 80 Vladimir
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participants (2)
Haris Bogdanovich
Vladimir Sedach