[parenscript-devel] Feature proposal: (defun (setf... and defsetf

Another feature I'm planning to add are setf expanders for ParenScript. This should eliminate the need for explicitly name-mangling complex accessor function names like set-this and set-that, etc., which will make ParenScript code generation much easier, but at the same time generate those name mangled functions in the generated Javascript code itself, which will aid in debugging code in Javascript tools such as Firebug.

defsetf long-form is now in the repository. It should work like in Common Lisp (that is, expands like a macro). defsetf short-form and (defun (setf... are next on the list. Unless there is popular demand, I don't think I will implement define-setf-expander. Happy hacking, Vladimir On 6/15/07, Vladimir Sedach <vsedach@gmail.com> wrote:
Another feature I'm planning to add are setf expanders for ParenScript. This should eliminate the need for explicitly name-mangling complex accessor function names like set-this and set-that, etc., which will make ParenScript code generation much easier, but at the same time generate those name mangled functions in the generated Javascript code itself, which will aid in debugging code in Javascript tools such as Firebug.
participants (1)
Vladimir Sedach