On Fri, Jul 26 2013, Julien Danjou wrote:
Does that sounds like a good idea, or do I miss an obvious problem?
For the record and people interested in that hack, I really find it quite handy in the end. And it's easy enough to change cl-postgres/s-sql behaviour: (defmethod s-sql:sql-escape ((arg symbol)) "Overrides the s-sql provided function so it handles correctly the :false keyword and get it converted to false." (if (or (typep arg 'boolean) (eq arg :null) (eq arg :false)) (call-next-method) (s-sql:to-sql-name arg))) (defmethod cl-postgres:to-sql-string ((arg (eql nil))) "Overrides the cl-postgres provided function so it handles nil as NULL instead of false." "NULL") (defmethod cl-postgres:to-sql-string ((arg (eql :false))) "Overrides the cl-postgres provided function so it handles :false." "false") -- Julien Danjou ;; Free Software hacker ; freelance consultant ;; http://julien.danjou.info