I do not want to touch the operators. The only reason I thought about it at all was that postgresql uses some of the same operators in both hstore and jsonb and I am not entirely convinced they work well in nested structures. So what I should have actually asked is whether people have used s-sql with nested hstore and json objects and examples. On Tue, Oct 23, 2018 at 2:23 AM Anton Vodonosov <avodonosov@yandex.ru> wrote:
A good way to ensure noone's code is broken is to keep 100% backwards compatibility. Why would you want to touch the operatiions?
21.10.2018, 07:33, "Sabra Crolleton" <sabra.crolleton@gmail.com>:
I am looking at the hstore operators in s-sql. Does anyone use them? If so, could you send examples of how you are using them? I want to make sure that if I touch those operators, I do not accidentally break anyone's code.