Hi I am beginning to use cl-postgress part of postmodern It is working well, Thank you. I have an issue that would be nice to fix. When I do (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :cl-postgres) I see couple of warnings like ;Compiler warnings for "/media/sf_git/thirdparty/postmodern/simple-date/cl-postgres-glue.lisp" : ; In an anonymous lambda form at position 857: Duplicate definitions of (:METHOD CL-POSTGRES:TO-SQL-STRING (DATE)), in this file and in "/media/sf_git/thirdparty/postmodern/simple-date/cl-postgres-glue.lisp" I think they are due to in file cl-postgress.asd at the end you have (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :simple-date-postgres-glue) and again in simple-date.asd you have the same line (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :simple-date-postgres-glue) Can this be fixed. I am using CCL Clozure Common Lisp Version 1.7-dev-r14812M-trunk (LinuxX8664)! My ASDF is a bit old (2.011.9), asdf is one hting I don't like upgrading, causes me a lot of pain. -Antony