Hi, I defined an object with metaclass dao-class but forgot to add any col- type options, this results in a rather cryptic error that is hard to get out of in LispWorks: P1 10 > (select-dao 'enumeration) Error: The assertion (= (LENGTH POSTMODERN::QUERY-FIELDS) POSTMODERN::N-DAO-FIELDS) failed. 1 (continue) Retry assertion. 2 (abort) Return to level 0. 3 Return to top loop level 0. Type :b for backtrace, :c <option number> to proceed, or :? for other options P1 11 : 1 > :bq (HARLEQUIN-COMMON-LISP:SUBFUNCTION 1 POSTMODERN::BUILD-ROW-READER) <- CL-POSTGRES::SEND-QUERY <- (HARLEQUIN-COMMON-LISP:SUBFUNCTION (LABELS #:G244377) CL- POSTGRES:EXEC-QUERY) <- CL-POSTGRES:EXEC-QUERY <- LET <- EVAL <- CAPI::CAPI-TOP-LEVEL-FUNCTION <- CAPI::INTERACTIVE-PANE-TOP- LOOP <- (HARLEQUIN-COMMON-LISP:SUBFUNCTION MP::PROCESS-SG-FUNCTION MP::INITIALIZE-PROCESS-STACK) I can live with this, but maybe it would be good to make this more user friendly. Cheers, Sven