11 Aug
11 Aug
3:41 p.m.
This is an example from the documentation which gives strange results on Lispworks 5.0.2. I'm using the latest version of postmodern (1.02) CL-USER 3 > (postmodern:sql (:select (:+ 'field-1 100) 'field-5 :from (:as 'my-table 'x) :left-join 'your-table :on (:= 'x.field-2 'your-table.field-1) :where (:not-null 'a.field-3))) "(SELECT (field_1 + 100), field_5 FROM my_table AS x LEFT JOIN your_table ON (x.field_2 = your_table.field_1), your_table, on, (x.field_2 = ................................^ your_table.field_1) WHERE not_null(a.field_3))" Jens PS my previous problem with if statement is solved, I needed a macro instead of a function