Hi, I have an situation where I have an interval of "zero" time that I would like to put with the other data in the table. When I try with the (simple-date:encode-interval :millisecond 0) I get the object
(simple-date:encode-interval :millisecond 0) #<SIMPLE-DATE:INTERVAL P>
But, when I try to insert this object into the table with the insert-dao, I get the following error (I have left out other fields, for other non-zero values of interval the insert works fine). Database error 22007: invalid input syntax for type interval: "" Query: INSERT INTO mytable (someinterval) VALUES (interval E'') RETURNING somevalue [Condition of type CL-POSTGRES-ERROR:INVALID-DATETIME-FORMAT] I'm using latest postmodern from the git repository https://github.com/marijnh/Postmodern.git For now I'll use (simple-date:encode-interval :millisecond 1), but I'm wondering if this is an issue with postmodern or postgresql?