Hello Timo, A couple of notes here. First "user" is a restricted word for postgresql, so I suggest naming the table "users" instead. Second, your s-sql sample create table misplaced a paren. You need another paren after the username column and before the primary key I agree that daos do not yet have identity columns, but that really only prevents you from creating a table using the dao. So consider the following where we create a table using s-sql, insert some items, demonstrate that we can retrieve an item using a dao, then demonstrate we can create a dao item, insert it in the table and then retrieve it. Postgresql handles all the identity stuff. Also note that I used "users" as the table, but I can create a dao class named "user". (query (:create-table (:if-not-exists 'users) ((id :type integer :identity-always t) (username :type text)) (:primary-key id))) (query (:insert-rows-into 'users :columns 'username :values '(("Jason") ("Tim") ("Karolyn")))) (defclass user () ((id :col-type integer :accessor id) (username :col-type text :initarg :username :accessor username)) (:metaclass dao-class) (:table-name users) (:keys id)) (username (get-dao 'user 1)) "Jason" (let ((item (make-instance 'user :username "Zenya"))) (insert-dao item)) (username (get-dao 'user 4)) "Zenya" Does this help? Sabra Crolleton On Tue, Jun 9, 2020 at 12:41 PM Timo Myyrä <timo.myyra@bittivirhe.fi> wrote:
I'm learning to use postmodern as part of my hobby project but I've hit a small bump in the process. I can have the identity column defined for table without dao with something like: (s-sql:sql (:create-table (:if-not-exists 'user) ((id :type int :identity-always t) (username :type text) (:primary-key id)))
But I intent to use dao classes so it would be nice to have identity column specified as part to defclass slot options. Is there some way to create dao class with identity column?
Br, Timo M