Hi Marijn, On 21 Apr 2008, at 15:15, Marijn Haverbeke wrote:
Hi Sven,
Thanks, did you also handle the case of using get-dao when there are no keys defined ? I believe that got into a loop...
It did -- though some rather bizarre corner case. I've pushed a fix to raise an error instead -- calling get-dao on key-less classes is not allowed.
Regards, Marijn
I know, catching these newbie errors is not the real stuff. I now get: P1 24 > (defclass foo () ()) #<STANDARD-CLASS FOO 21F6D767> P1 25 > (get-dao 'foo) Error: Class FOO has no key slots. 1 (abort) Return to level 0. 2 Return to top loop level 0. Type :b for backtrace, :c <option number> to proceed, or :? for other options This is certainly correct and better than a loop. However, in the above transcript I even forgot to declare the proper meta class, maybe that should be the first error being reported. I know I am being annoying, but I am only trying to help; I promise I will never repeat this suggestion. Next time, I'll hopefully have a better request. Sven